

Touhou 14 Hits Playism On 5/7/2015

EDIT: Both games are out now! Double Dealing Character and Takkoman!

When we announced that we would be bringing Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character to western shores earlier in April, we knew it would be a popular piece of news, but we didn’t expect the incredible groundswell of Western gamers dying to get their hands on the game.


With more than 1200 retweets and over 600 favorites for the announcement tweet, it’s clear that the West is finally ready for doujin behemoth Touhou to finally hit new shores.


That’s why we’re incredibly excited to announce that the Western release of Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character will be releasing exclusively on Playism EN on May 7th, 2015, for $14.99.


We’re also ready to finally answer the most popular Touhou question we’ve received since our initial reveal: “What about the OTHER Touhou games?”


We’re excited to announce that Touhou action platformer Takkoman is coming to Playism English on the same day for just $9.99!


A hard-as-nails side scrolling platformer with gigantic bosses, Takkoman takes the adorable Touhou characters and sets them in a world far more dangerous than their aesthetic lets on.


For Touhou fans, May 7th is going to be a day you won’t want to miss. For more information on Touhou and Playism, be sure to keep your eyes peeled to the Playism blog, and more.


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