Playism is very proud to announce that we have Armello on our storefront! If you were in attendance at PAX Prime this past weekend, then you've heard all about the intriguing game of quests, battles, customization and victory. If not, you should know that Armello is a fantastic and enrapturing world of anthropomorphic heroes, vying for prestige and power in a kingdom controlled by a demented ruler. Each turn brings the King closer to full corruption and madness, and you (along with three other heroes) must make your way across the landscape, gaining magic and experience to prepare yourself for a final battle with the monarch. Along the way, you'll complete smaller quests, do battle with roaming guards and monsters, and, naturally, due each other.

The great part is how well Armello functions as both a board game and an RPG. When you pick the shoe or the battleship in other games, it's purely aesthetic. However, when it comes it Armello, each animal creates a totally different strategy and experience. For example, deciding to go on a full-offensive drive may be quite successful from the position of Thane (the wolf), but proper planning may still give combat victory to Amber (the rabbit). You can increase your stats and assets as you go, defeating your opponents, saving villages and, ultimately, defeating the king. With online and local multiplayer, the replayability is near-infinite, as you find bold new ways to stab your friends in the back and bring peace back to the Kingdom.

Armello is launching TODAY on a global scale, on almost every platform imaginable. All three major PC, OS AND PS4 get a taste of Armello, and we're very excited that Playism is bringing it to the table as well. Be sure to grab your Steam key ASAP and join the online fray!