Day two of Tokyo Game Show 2015 is now at an end, and we're pleased to report that we're still alive and mostly in one piece. It's been pretty hectic, but there is still so much to come.

Though the scope of TGS may seem incredibly daunting, it's pretty great that the indies still thrive and make amazing connections in the shadow of giants. In fact, there is a clear thought process made in relation to the indie booths in regards to their AAA brethren. While the large booths all exist within halls 1-8, TGS Indies are tucked into exhibit hall 9, which is technically in a separate building. This is actually great for both the devs as well as attendants. For one, it makes sure that the important conversations that take place aren't completely drowned out by the sights and sounds of big things like the Logicool League of Legends tournament, or Bandai Namco's latest musical performance.

Additionally, it gives convention-goers an opportunity to properly partition their time with a physical element. For example, if I really want to go try out The Tomorrow Children (which is absolutely amazing) but also want to see more about Runbow, I might get distracted by the big flashy lights of Sony and, as a result, never get to see some amazing indie multiplayer fun. However, by having the two in separate buildings, you can dedicate yourself to whichever you want first, grab lunch (conveniently located in Hall 11, next to the indie area) and then make your next move.