This past weekend in Tokyo was the Digital Game Expo, a great chance for devs big and small to come together and present some amazing gaming fun for the people of Japan. Digige (as it's abbreviated) is a funny thing: you have indies and retro devs in attendance next to bigger names like Nintendo and Sony, and everyone just hangs out and creates a very cool environment. It feels a bit like BitSummit with a stronger focus on enjoying what's already out instead of what's to come.
Though Tokyo is certainly outside our normal stomping grounds, we definitely wanted to be in attendance to support our devs who came out on their own volition (NIGORO, Bluffman and Nussoft) as well as helping to promote our Playstation lineup. Oh, and to show off NightCry for people who could make it. We had a playable build of one of the most anticipated horror games of 2016. I thought that was pretty awesome.
To everyone who came to see us, thanks so much for stopping by! These events are the lifeblood of Japanese gaming, and it's always so wonderful to see people take time out to come and play and, by proxy, support us. From PAX to Bit Summit and every event inbetween, it's always amazing when our fans can stop by and play for a bit.
Please enjoy some of the great photos that we nabbed from the floor, and we hope to see you at the next event!