My Dogs Are Barking, And They Are Howling.
The first day of Tokyo Game Show 2015 has concluded, and this trip has already been incredible. While BitSummit has a personable feel and PAX has a super fun and expansive atmosphere, TGS is simply power, pure and uncut. When you step into Makuhari Messe and go through the first set of doors to survey the task before you, it can be daunting. After all, who could possibly look at everything in one day?

And that's when you realize that what you're seeing is less than a third of the total show.
TGS is so big that I frequently had to use the panoramic setting on my camera to fully capture the scope of what i was seeing. One of our earlier Tweets of the day showed the massive area that Sony had taken over for their Playstation experience (classically, Sony creates a world where you don't even have to see the rest of TGS). This year, it seems every name available fought back by being just as huge. Bandai Namco, Koei Techmo, Square Enix....even YouTube had an enormous stage set up. YouTube. As in the place where videos of kittens falling asleep in milk live. They were not only at TGS, they rented out a place that dwarfs my parents' house.

We've already been fortunate to talk to a ton of people and see what some initial impressions are, but day two is absolutely essential. Now that we've adjusted, it's time to dive even deeper in and find out what else exists for us to find. Just because ginormous booths exist doesn't mean the Japanese company within isn't looking for a partnership to bring their title to the west. Big or small, Playism is there to meet, greet, assist and generally make everyone's experience as awesome as ours is.

After tomorrow, all bets are off: the public days begin. For TGS veterans, you know what madness awaits. For everyone else, stay tuned, things WILL get interesting.