While out at sea aboard the luxury cruise liner, Oceanus, the party continues with everyone enjoying the lavish comforts which accompany it. Then all hell breaks loose, as a murderous demon appears and starts killing off all the passengers. Separated from land and confined to the boundaries of the ship, you will be forced to run and hide. Can you survive this horror?

Experience the story from the perspective of three main characters as you travel through NightCry. Monica Flores, Rooney Simpson and Leonard Cosgrove are all aboard the cruise liner, each with a different history that brings their own horrors aboard. Other key characters include talented conductor and heartthrob Jerome Theuriau and of course, the monster which lurks in every crook and cranny... the Scissorwalker.
Back in the year 1995, Japan was introduced to a gruesome villain that became iconic in the world of video games: the Scissorman. This fiendish individual had the role of seeking out the heroine of “Clock Tower”, one of the early and notable examples of a “hide and seek” horror game in which the player is pursued by an undefeatable enemy.
Clock Tower’s success saw more games to the series and multiple iterations of the Scissorman. And now in 2016, Japanese game developer Nudemaker has brought us the Scissorwalker: a tormented, nightmarish creature that brutally savages all in its path like an unstoppable plague.

NightCry is a return to the classic Japanese horror game style, where characters move less quickly than makes you feel safe and camera angles are more aesthetic than practical. The main difference is that NightCry takes that classic Japanese horror gameplay and places it in a modern setting.
As you progress through the story you will learn more about the characters and the truth behind the incident. The controls are simple; point and click to guide your character through the ship, discovering items and solving puzzles. But don’t let that deceive you, as these puzzles are often quite challenging and require a bit of thought. Making the wrong decision can lead to a grizzly game over, or seal the fate of your allies.
While exploring the ship, an encounter with the Scissorwalker will trigger “Escape Mode”, where you must flee to a safe hiding place, or find something to try and fend off the Scissorwalker. In this mode you can look over your shoulder to see how close behind your pursuer is. You can also perform a sprint dash for some extra speed, but doing so will greatly reduce your stamina, which could lead to your character collapsing of exhaustion. Observant players may be rewarded for experimenting with the objects around them, though they may also be punished..

Grab NightCry on Playism now for $24.99 and get a FREE Steam key!