Ah, the classic RPG. Who doesn't enjoy the feeling of random encounters? The level grinding on weak monsters? The fact that there is a boss, somewhere, who will simply STOMP you if you didn't get the one magical sword? It's a source of love and frustration, and Artifact Adventure manages to encapsulate it all with a modern twist.
This game is such a fun experience that we wanted to share it with all of you for the low price of FREE. We have TEN Steam keys for Artifact Adventure to give away to ten lucky followers of the @PlayismEN Twitter account! But we can't just give them to you for nothing! What do you think this is, Christmas? Well, tree or not, you need to work for your Steam key. However, you might enjoy this little project more than you realize!
In order to get a Steam key for Artifact Adventure, we invite you to write an RPG Haiku. It can be retro, modern, MMORPG or even pen and paper (if that's your thing). Just five-seven-five and you too could be on your way to defeating the toxic Swamp King!
- You must be a follower of @PlayismEN. No Facebook this time, sorry!
- Each tweet should begin with "Hey @PlayismEN" and have the hashtag #RPGHaiku.
- The haiku can be about any RPG under the sun!
- Multiple entries are allowed but only one prize per person.
- Deadline will be 11:59PM, June 9th PST
Get creative and you can get your game on!
A flashlight, no torch
Turns out it's heat, not the light
Eaten by a grue.