Who Knows What Thoughts Cross Your Mind On A Starry Night?
Star Sky - $2.99
For those of you who've enjoyed the atmospheric fairy tale, Meadowland, we're happy to announce that it's spiritual sibling is now on Steam! Star Sky is an exercise in storytelling through simple mechanics. Follow the midnight walk of a nameless protagonist as they drink in the world around them after dark. There is only one direction, but a huge number of choices to be made through patience.

Despite a simple approach, Star Sky is a journey that changes every time as you interact with the environment around you, finding new and different ways to shape the experience that you share with our character. The musical atmosphere helps to build cues for when to act...and when to wait. There are a finite number of events to discover, but a vast number of combinations to create a new evening every time.
Star Sky is, as the developer says, not for everyone. There is not a high score or a final boss. This is a opportunity to look around and explore in a way that is not limited by traditional gaming ideas or expectations. It's a chance to sonder and look beyond the scope of gaming as we know it.

For Playism customers who've enjoyed Star Sky DRM free, you now have a new bonus Steam key waiting in your account! Simply log in and it should be waiting for you. If you're a new player, feel free to pick it up directly through the Steam storefront or right here on Playism.