

Looking back to 2016 - Playism Picks

Last week we announced the winners of who you all decided were the best games of 2016 on Playism.

Today, we are looking a bit into the Playism team and what we all thought of Playism in 2016.


Favourite Playism game in 2016:

NightCry and The Silver Case
Assault Android Cactus, Neverending Nightmares*, Mad Father, Angels of Death.
LiEat, A Healer Only Lives Twice.....
I like a lot of them but number one will have to be Her Story. I feel that if Sam Barlow was never born in this world, we would have never been able to see a game even remotely similar to Her Story. And because of that, I love it

*We released Neverending Nightmares on Japanese PSN in 2016


Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight, of course ><


That's definitely between Angels of Death and Alicemare. There's something with both of them that just enchants me and keeps me playing.


Its really hard to choose one game, but I think my favourite would be HackNet, the hacking simulation game.
You use a variety of tools to break through security, read other people's chats, erase files to make sure you aren't detected, its exhilarating.
An incomprehensible sense of accomplishment at the ending left me feeling really happy to have been able to play it in Japanese.




Awareness Rooms. A simple game with a very interesting concept I've never seen anywhere else.
The contents of each room appear as blurred shapes. Visibility increases as the player examines objects and solves puzzles.


Witch-Bot Meglilo


Although still in early access, Starr Mazer: DSP.

Playism was busy in 2016, and we all have fond memories of what we have done together as a team.



Our favourite moments of 2016!

The most impressive moment last year was when I got a glimpse of Owlboy's release version in PAX West.
It was one of the games I heard of around the same time Playism started up, so seeing it it completed was just incredible.
Also my expectation for this game was all fulfilled in the completed version, that's what I need to congratulate them on the most.
Other than that, in the PAX West party for The Silver Case, the first 10 minutes or so felt like, how do I say, I was like in a dream or something. It was really fun.


At BitSummit 2016 when I was able to introduce the Momodora developers to Miyazaki Hidetaka, the creator of Dark Souls, who had so heavily influenced them. And then for him to play their game. The look of mixed awe and respect on their faces is one I won't ever forget.


PAX West was great for me. I got to meet so many developers and get to know them. Also, I worked side-by-side with SUDA51 during the whole event. It was also my first trip to America, so there was a lot of exciting moments for me. The highlight for PAX West? Either meeting the guys from Extra Credits or The Silver Case Party. They were both beyond my expectations.


The best moment for me would be Tokyo Game Show.
I could play a variety of games still in development and got to do a Live Let's Play for La-Mulana 2 with quite a large crowd.
I was really busy during the event, but it was really fun.


I enjoyed working as an interpreter during Tokyo Game Show.


Meeting all the developers at BitSummit and Tokyo Game Show: Grasshopper Manufacture (The Silver Case: HD Remaster), MidBoss (ROM), Bomb Service (Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight), Imagos Softworks (Starr Mazer: DSP), TOME (Principia: Master of Science) and Anne Ferrero, creator of documentary film Branching Paths, offering insight into the lives of active indie game developers in Japan and the ever-growing indie scene.


I really enjoyed BitSummit 2016!


That I was given the opportunity to join the team.


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