Time to reach out and grab for D with a brand new set of hands!
The customization of
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die is one of the best aspects of the episodic game. We've seen people coordinate David, Amanda, Olivia and Forrest in ways that result in completely different implications with their scripts. David suddenly shifts from Bostonian cop to Kentucky deputy with the addition of the full mustache/beard combo, and from "out of work officer" to "full on crazy corner person" with the King's facial hair. Plus, is Amanda still just the crazy cat lady when she's dressed like a full-on cowgirl? That's totally in the eye of the beholder.
But what about you, the player? For all the different ways we can change our characters, you're left in the same boring style. And I don't mean your clothes: you can (and should) change those all the time! Your cursor, however, is a different story. Just a hand. A floating white hand. What's the story there? Nothing! Can't we spice it up just a little? Thankfully, Access and Swery have heard your cries, and the answer is here: new hands!

This new DLC pack adds a new level of pop and sass across the board. Want to show your rogue side? The Zapateros hand is holding both of his iconic cigarettes. Feeling a bit more whimsical? The Sebastian hand lets you click around with a vibrant red cursor. You can flex your inner cat girl/love of Amanda with the cute cat's paw, or keep your D hand strong with the blocky 8-bit appendage. In total, there are ten brand new icons to add a level of flair and spice to your game. I'm personally a huge fan of the squirrel, as I love the meta-game of pushing a squirrel with a squirrel.
The new cursors are available starting today from
Steam and
Humble Store. The first wave pack sets you back $2.99. There should be something in there for everyone, but if not, don't worry: we have two more cursor sets on the horizon! But for those of you ready to use scissors, dentures or any other wild choices in this pack, grab it now!