

PAX West 2017 Aftermath

Playism has returned from PAX West!

This year was amazing with a lot of fans and people we have met before swinging by the booth to say hello.
We showed off three fantastic Japanese games, 1bitHeart (out now on Steam and Playism), La-Mulana 2 (Coming soon, slacker backer available) and Break Arts II (Wishlist now on Steam).


PAX West is a massive game event held in Seattle, USA every year in September. This year, the Playism team attended again, taking part in the heart of gaming culture in North America, and showed off the great indie games that Japan had to offer. The event is 4 days, with people from all over the place attending.

Playism headed out to Seattle from home base in Osaka, arriving at Seattle on August 30th. Our first stop was coffee! That’s what Seattle is famous for… right?


After set up, visiting Nindies (who went? Did you get a shirt?), PAX West was quickly upon us. Playism had a booth that gained an incredible amount of traffic, with all sorts of people dropping by to try out the games.



La-Mulana 2

This year we brought the most updated build of La-Mulana 2 we had, localized into English! This is the latest version anyone had seen and the first time the game saw and English translation at this stage in the game.

La-Mulana 2 had a lot of backers swinging by, and we were really glad to meet you and talk to you! The encouragement and watching you all challenge the death traps in the demo version has been amazing. Thank you for all your support.


A lot of people also came by to just try it out for the first time. The game is unforgiving at points, and it turned out to be something that players loved! Even one player rage quit and stormed off, only to come back to ask about La-Mulana (Good luck to you!).




1bitHeart is our most recent title. We took the release build with us to PAX and let people play from the beginning or from the first talking event, allowing people to build their own impressions from the game.

1bitHeart was great to watch people of all ages come and play. We loved seeing people fall in love with the graphics, the story and the characters. So many people came to tell us the game was cute and adorable.


1bitHeart gathered the most comments from everyone, and we had a lot of fun talking to everyone and sharing information about Miwashiba and their other games. A lot of fans also dropped by to grab the special postcard that was drawn for the event, which I’m sure a lot of you would be happy to hear that we have some left over! We are working out what to do with it, so stay tuned for info!


Break Arts II

Break Arts II had its first racing demo showcased at PAX West. Until now, events had only seen the customization demo, letting users play around and build their own robots. This time, we brought the first racing demo over into English, and set it up for people to race.

Break Arts II was a hit for people at the event. People came and visited the booth multiple times to challenge the time trials, raced for a chance to win a copy of the customization demo and did everything they could to be at the top of the leader boards.


One user managed to beat the time set by the developer, claiming the top spot on the leader board! Well done!

The game was received very positively, with lots comments, questions and praise. All of which we have listened to and brought back to Japan with us, and to the developer. Break Arts II will be at Tokyo Game Show next, so we are looking forward to seeing all the reactions there too!


PAX West isn’t just about the Playism games though, there were so many amazing games out on the floor, along with amazing people. We took time this year to visit everyone and check out the variety of games that were out there.

Some of the team favorites this year were:







Dead Cells



Steambirds Alliance




We loved PAX West this year, and we are looking forward to heading out there again next year!





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