


Greetings, artists!
We're back with a new update for this week.


◆ Online Battles

Online Battles are up and running, at least with the basic rules.
Thank goodness we made it in time for the broadcast!

Multiplayer mode is already looking intense!
I mentioned before that you will be able to view opponents' robots.
You really get that feeling of anticipation viewing what might be your upcoming opponent.

We're conducting test-plays with familiar faces, but it's a lot of fun every time.


◆ Improved AI

To keep the busy atmosphere of online play, we've made it so that vacancies will be filled by the AI.
Previously our AI was very poor at racing, to the point you could beat them without even boosting.

Here's a preview of how it is working at the moment:

Incidentally if you find yourself going off-course, or there is a trap directly ahead, you can perform a side-boost to quickly readjust your position.
It's not perfect, but we think it hits the pass mark!


◆ Competition Starting!

Thank you for waiting.
We're finally starting the BREAK ARTS II module design competition!
It's possible to apply in English, so we encourage anyone living outside of Japan to take part!
Apply here:


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