


Greetings, artists!
Here is this week's development update.

With Comiket 92 on the horizon, we had to make preparations for stocking merchandise from the game, so that took priority this week.
*11th (Friday) Ko 38a

Here's another quick look at what we've got in store:

3 types of mousepads requested on a survey we held on Twitter.
They are designed for regular use, no glitter or sparkles, and dirt-resistant.
Many people requested these on the survey, but due to the expense of production we cannot yet meet this demand.
For now, we'll have 2 of each kind at Comiket (6 in total.)
We would love to consider producing more if they are received well and we receive further requests.

Oh yes, and a demo is on the way!
This demo just focuses on the customization side of Break Arts II, so please note this is more of a "customization demo".
We currently cannot say whether this will be available only at the event, or possibly for a limited time online also.
In any case it will be of limited availability, so if you would like one please be sure to follow our updates.

As for progression on the game itself, we've added a number of things to the customization system.

1. Added easing for moving joints.
*Basically the way they move is cool now.

2. When rotating a joint, the angle will be displayed.

3. Preset robots finally implemented!

And that's about it.
Next week we'll be working on updating the Steam trailer and screenshots, while creating any remaining assets needed for the customization demo.

◆ Module Design Competition: Deadline approaching

The deadline for submitting your module design is within this month! Remember, entries can be made in any form, even writing on its own.
Let your imagination flow, artists!
And good luck to you all.



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