You Know What This Punishing Temple Of Doom Needs? Tunes.
If you've played La-Mulana for any amount of time, you know that the game is driven not only by tough-as-nails design and execution, but also by it's amazing soundtrack. The folk of NIGORO put everything into their re-creation of this classic, including buffing the soundtrack with a more orchestral sound that really encapsulates the new-yet-old feeling of the game. Each track creates the perfect tone for wherever you are, be it deep in the jungle, lost hopelessly in the labyrinth or fighting for your life against one of several bosses. It's incredibly evocative, and I could listen to it all day to help push me through the workload.
Thankfully, if you're a Steam user, there is a new DLC available that makes this a possibility. La-Mulana's soundtrack is now available through Steam, ready to integrate with your Steam Music Player! I didn't think I would use Steam's music service as much as I do, but I always have Steam running, and game soundtracks are some of the best music to work with, be it writing, studying or just trying to figure out where on my hard drive I've hidden my files away. And this is the full deal: all 75 tracks from NIGORO's Bandcamp are in one pack, ready to whisk you away to a land of murderous skeletons, dangerous traps and controller-shattering difficulty. This may not be the right soundtrack to relax to, but it's definitely perfect when you're on a deadline. I personally recommend High Speed Beast and Inferno, as they are the most driving and evocative tracks. It gets my pulse pounding and suddenly I'm ready to GO.
If you cannot get enough of this amazing soundtrack, be sure to check out the official La-Mulana website and grab the scorebooks as well! The actual arrangements as created by NIGORO are available, for download, for FREE. Is there a price better than free? I don't think there is! Though you must admit, $14.99 for 75 tracks of video game goodness is pretty awesome.
Head on over to Steam to grab the soundtrack today!