

Details On La-Mulana Achievements

NIGORO posted some details on the achievements for La-Mulana today, and what they have to say about them might surprise you.

It’s never really been public what NIGORO thinks of achievements, but this new post is rather illuminating: the team doesn’t like achievements. They make a fair point: achievements direct players to play the game in a certain way, rather than find their own path.

All the same, knowing that achievements were a much-requested feature for the Steam version, NIGORO thought it might be a good idea to use the system to their advantage.

la-mulana achivement


The really interesting thing they touched on, was the significance of the Steam achievement icons’ borders. This is how they broke it down:

  • Yellow frame: achievements you get by progressing through the game
  • Blue frame: achievements related to characters that appear in the end credits
  • Red frame: Challenging achievements that NIGORO dares you to get.
  • White frame: Misc. and trivial achievements

I spent some time working on the localization for the English Steam achievements, and after spending some time with them, I couldn’t help but let a maniacal cackle out. Some of these achievements are truly devious.

Still haven’t preordered the Steam version of La-Mulana? You can do so here, and get the 10% preorder discount while it lasts. La-Mulana releases on Steam on April 15th.


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