

D4's Social Success With Thunderclap!

It's finally here! Today marks the big day: D4 has finally come to PC! For years, gaming enthusiasts have been interested to take part in the story of Dark Dreams Don't Die, but haven't been able to without purchasing an Xbox One. Now players around the globe can join the hunt for D on their Windows computers, either through Steam or playing DRM-free copies directly from Playism, GOG or Humble!

With all the hype and celebration, we need to give a special thanks to everyone who participated in our Thunderclap campaign. For those who don't know, Thunderclap is a “crowdsharing” website that lets you share important knowledge with others across Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. Be it an important political view, an incredible game release or just that you bought a new hat, Thunderclap lets anyone and everyone sign up and get the word out without needing to make a new account or pay any money.

We were hoping to reach about 100 people to let everyone know about D4; we figured 100 was enough to get the word out properly. Instead, you really impressed us with over 600 members joining, which equaled over 400,000 friends, followers and social connects seeing our Thunderclap! That's incredible! That's nearly half a million people that got told about D4, and that's all thanks to you!

As society changes, so does the way we share what we're excited about. Whether it's chatting around the water cooler or re-Tweeting a funny quote, we make sure the people we know and care about are aware of what we want to say. And, in this case, you all helped broadcast to the Interwebs that D4 was finally here. The Thunderclap went around the world, and it made sure everyone was listening. Thank you all so much, and enjoy D4!

Get D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die ($14.99) now


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