


Greetings, artists!

◆ Comiket

A big thanks to everyone who participated in Comiket 92 the other day!
We brought 200 copies of our first demo and was genuinely shocked upon realizing we could have sold over 100 more.
(To be honest, I thought we would have 50 left over.)

We were able to cover our travel expenses thanks to everyone who purchased our BREAK ARTS merchandise:
our acryl keyholders, mouse pads, tin badges were all sold out. Thank you.

Just a few acryl figures were left over, so we'll be adding them to our online stock for regular purchase.
Also some of the locals were rather disappointed there were no acryl keyholders of Valentine (a red-colored robot) so we will make a limited number of these again.

Oh, and we received gifts from many people!
A bust of Criteria, self-made keyholders, treats brought from different regions, products to protect against heatstroke... we are overwhelmed with gratitude.
Personally I am already thankful to everyone for showing up at the event. Please do not feel obliged to go to any trouble.


Artists around the world, the time has finally come!
BREAK ARTS II will be exhibited at North America's largest gaming event, PAX West.
And what's more... it will be playable!
We haven't even had a playable exhibit of BREAK ARTS in Japan yet.
Everything we've done so far has been in Japan though, so if you felt left out, this is your chance to come and try BA2 before anyone else.
On the day we plan to have Time Attack unlocked. For those who achieve spectacular results, we might have a nice little present... maybe.

The game will display in English and is also complete with English voices.
We are really hoping for a big turnout!

Check out all the Break Arts II Dev Logs here.

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