

Playism Releasing on Nintendo Switch! First Up? TorqueL!

Playism is super excited to announce our line-up for our first releases on the Switch has been announced!


Kero Blaster, Croixleur Sigma and TorqueL will be heading the the Nintendo Switch near you soon!


To start off these thrilling releases, we have TorqueL!


TorqueL -Physics Modified Edition-

TorqueL is the mysterious 2D rotation action puzzle game developed by Japanese indie creator, releasing on the Nintendo Switch on February 15th worldwide!

Roll and extend the hat-wearing protagonist’s boxed prison to overcome and complete each stage. As well as gaining an overhaul from the previously available version, the dedicated BGM designed by Nobuyoshi Sano, known for scoring songs for Ridge Racer and Tekken, has also been redesigned to fully suit the new movements of TorqueL.
Now, the game also supports full HD rumble, allowing the player to understand the direction the box is extending in via vibration.

TorqueL’s coming soon page is up now on Nintendo Switch, purchase it before release for 20% off!


Check out TorqueL on the Nintendo Store




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