PLAYISM is proud to announce that Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, the new adventure game by solo indie developer Lizardry, has been released on Steam, Google Play, and the App Store on November 14, 2023.
On Steam, you can also purchase the game as a bundle with its soundtrack (8 tracks) at 10% OFF!
About the Game

By playing through the adventure of an android, you can come to learn your personality. Each playthrough takes roughly an hour to complete, and the personality test concludes at the end of the third playthrough. Take the test to learn about your personality, as well as see the story to its end.
This personality test has been developed from rigorous scientific research... Okay, not really. This personality test is for purely entertainment purposes only.
There are no differences between the Steam and mobile versions of this game. Player choice data and test result IDs are compatible across all platforms.
There are also no restrictions on streaming and other forms of sharing your playthroughs. Feel free to also use the fankit that can be found on the official page.
◆Watch the trailer on YouTube
23 Personality Types
With this personality test, you can find out a total of 5 personality types that define you: 1 personality that represents you the most, 2 hidden personalities, and 1 personality that is the most distant from what you are.
5 personalities will be chosen from the total number of 23, which feature a wide range of personality types not unlike character classes you would find in an RPG.

Compare your Personalities
Once the personality test has concluded, you will receive your very own test result ID. You can see other players' results by looking up their ID, and you can compare your own results with theirs side by side.
You can see each other's 5 personalities, what you did similarly or differently, and how in-sync you were throughout the game. Have fun comparing your results with friends, or with your favorite content creators! You might find out how compatible you are, or discover surprising things about them.
On the comparison screen, you can input the names of each player in the memo section, which you may use to easily share your results and comparisons with others on social media or wherever you want.

The Refind Self: The Personality Test Game Soundtrack, which includes 8 unique music tracks, is also now available on Steam.
The music of this game is written by xaki, who has also worked on other soundtracks such as that of Higurashi When They Cry and Umineko When They Cry. The ending theme features vocals by the voice actor Kaori Kido.
All music is original and written specifically for this game, and thus we will claim no revenue or any Content IDs from streams or videos no matter which part of the game you upload gameplay of.
Gameplay Screenshots
About the Developer - Lizardry
After working as a director at a social-network game company, Lizardry went indie and became a solo indie game creator.
His first one-time-purchase commercial game, 7 Days to End with You received great critical acclaim, getting 2nd place for the Game Designer Award in the Japan Game Awards 2022. It was also featured on many popular video game streaming channels, and the let's play video posted by the Yuru Gengogaku Channel received the Grand Prize for the Indie Game Let's Play Awards.
Lizardry gives shape to unique and original ideas with the freedom that only comes with being a solo developer, and aims to make games that are unlike any other.
Refind Self: The Personality Test Game is one such game based on the age-old question: Can games really show someone's personality? This game sets out to answer this question by turning it into a full-fledged game. |
Product Information
Refind Self: The Personality Test Game
| Steam | Google Play | App Store
■ Genre: Adventure-Type Personality Test
■ Platforms: Steam (Windows), Google Play, App Store
■ Release Date: November 14, 2023
■ MSRP: Steam $7.99 | Google Play/App Store $3.99
■ Supported Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean
■ Developer: Lizardry
■ Publisher: PLAYISM
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