You didn't think we'd just sit out quietly during this, did you?
In just a few days, we'll be sending two of our bravest Playism champions up to Tokyo in order to brave the crowds and the madness that is Comiket. It's no small task: last year drew in over 500,000 people over the course of three days, and it's packed wall-to-wall from sun up till sun down. Besides being the premier venue for doujin artists to showcase their new wares and debut their projects, Comiket has the best price point of all time. If you want to go to all three days of Comic Market, it'll set you back exactly ZERO dollars. If you can fathom that, this massive con that casts shadows over every other gathering (San-Diego ComiCon has less than half that number attend) does so without charging a cent.
Still, the games inside aren't free, and those looking to walk off with one-of-a-kind goods will probably end up dropping more than expected to get all the treasures they desire. So we're making the most of the sale by bringing the sale to Playism as well! Over 80 of our titles are on sale this week, from new Japanese indies to celebrated Western goodies. The discounts range from 10-90% off, and there's bound to be something for everyone! Let me give you just a quick rundown of some of my picks:

Neverending Nightmares- $7.50: A seriously creepy and scary game, Infinitap Games really delved into some deep and dark issues in order to bring this experience to life. I don't know if I could ever play it again, but it's a huge recommendation to anyone who enjoys an uncomfortable ride and exposing the fear and anxiety that depression can create. This trip down misery lane is 50% off as well, and Steam keys are included with the DRM free purchase. Genuine warning: this is an open and earnest look at dark psychological issues. Please be advised.

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - $2.00: simply put, it's a good time. Beating the hell out of faceless adversaries with a katana and sweet kicks is a good time, and Mitsurugi doesn't disappoint in satisfaction with button fluidity. While it's on sale on Steam right now for 75%, we one-upped them and went 80% OFF, which means you pay less for a Steam key AND DRM free. C'mon, that's just smart shopping! Plus this game came straight out of Comiket 84, making it the perfect poster child for this sale.

Artifact Adventure - $3.50: This cult-celebrated RPG from Bluffman doesn't get nearly enough love. It's incredibly clever in the homage to all the 8-bit RPGs, from Final Fantasy to Dragon Warrior and everything in between. The art style belies how open world it really is, and there's a ton of referential humor baked into it. Plus a ton of endings and customization. At 50% off, $3.50 is an absolute steal and I might honestly buy a copy as a gift for a couple people I know. And, yes, Steam keys plus DRM free.
I could keep going on and on, but this blog post is already at capacity! Take a look and make sure to hunt around: there are bigger deals than even what I listed hanging around. Also, if you're not sure if a game has Steam keys or not, check out the new genre tab, "
Steam Key Included." Our listing is matching or beating the Steam Summer Sale right now, so everyone wins! Otherwise, though, enjoy the celebration and keep your eyes peeled for the best deals! We'll bring even more updates as the week progresses!