

One Way Heroics Plus Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered the Retweet and Follow contest for One Way Heroics Plus! We had a huge turnout with the campaign, and the winners have already been messaged to claim their keys. If someone isn't able to respond within a couple days, we'll re-roll to see if we have other winners.

Besides the awesomeness of giving out free things (and winning them), it's really great to see the success story of One Way Heroics and how far it's come. What started out as a small project that we gave away for free on Japanese Playism has grown into a massive, global phenomenon that no one could have predicted the evolution for. Still, we saw something special in this game two years ago, and it's so uplifting to see what it is now. An RPG that's unlike any other, that you can play with other people, that you can make your sole game of choice or can occasionally pick up whenever it suits you.
Anyways, for those lucky few, here are the complete set of winners:
If you weren't able to win a copy, never fear! The Playism sale is still on for another day or so, with our version being a.) DRM free, b.) comes with Steam key and c.) Over a dollar cheaper than the Steam version. Also, for our winners, please remember that the Steam key for OWH+ is DLC, so you need the base game in order to install it. If you don't have the base game, it's only $0.50 for the next day as well, along with a ton of other sales.
Thanks again everyone, and have a great one-way adventure!
One Way Heroics Plus - $5.99
One Way Heroics - $1.99


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