

BreakArts Receives Patch, Much Rejoicing

In just a few short weeks, BreakArts has hit the mobile gaming scene hard, bringing together two delicious flavors: competitive racing and blowing up robots. Whether you prefer to take the hard-edge route and hone your speed or would rather just be the champion over smoldering wrecks, the game has something for everyone. I'm particularly glad it's out on Android and iOS, as I'm apparently the only person at Playism with an iPhone.


Today marks more great news for the game, as Android has just updated to version 1.0.7, bringing about some very important bug squashes and balances. Here's the translated release notes:


Patch Notes
- A number of bugs have been fixed
- Game balance and stats on various parts have been re-tuned
- Common parts' drop rates are now more uniform, and have also been increased
- Parts can now be purchased with in-game currency (BM)


Most notably fixed is the no-load screen that Nexus 6 and phablet users were experiencing. Also, the drop rate has been increased dramatically, so users won't need to drive their lives away just to get parts! This is great news for everyone on the Android version, since it'll be available immediately. iOS users will have to do the usual wait-and-see until the App Store does their inspection, but fear not: it'll arrive soon enough! To keep things fair (since the drop rate is so different), Android and iOS users will be temporarily sequestered from each other. In the meantime, I'll have to rely on my natural talent and rugged good looks to maintain my lead in the office rankings.



Finally, for users on all versions, a limited-time coupon is available to get some free coins. Simply enter 106sp and get six coins! But make sure you enter it soon: this code will only be live until the 25th of June.


Enjoy the update, race on, and get ready for the beauty in the destruction!


EDIT: We have reports that BreakArts is still not functioning on the Galaxy Note 4 and a couple other Android devices. We're looking into this immediately!




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