

Starchaser On Steam!

The adorable and ditzy Kineto, heroine of Starchaser, exploded out of Playism and onto Steam last week! Yes, we all enjoy having a DRM free copy of the game, but the convenience and streamlined appeal of Steam is impossible to deny. But we at Playsim aren't ones to ignore the forward motion, and, as such, everyone who bought Starchaser on Playism will find a free Steam key in their inventory!


Now, we know you've invested countless hours into Starchaser already: the game is tough as nails and quitting before you finish a labyrinth means having to go back and do all thirteen levels AGAIN. I love the game as much as anyone could, but I had a hard time justifying doing all my old progress again when the Steam version came out. But there are all the wonderful details of Steam that brings incentive in going back and re-exploding Leo.


First and foremost, achievements! Steam allows you to proudly talk about your success in a game with a quantitative idea that other players can actually understand. Tell your friends "I've gotten really far in this game!" and that can mean almost anything. But if they look at your profile and see your different achievements for beating the bosses and clearing the stages, it becomes apparent: you are a serious Starchaser!
Secondly, TRADING CARDS! Trading cards are a make or break for some people when it comes to getting games. Starchaser has eight gorgeous cards to potentially get, each one a real work of art. And if you start collecting badges as well, plenty of unique wallpapers and emoticons await you!  I do love the rare background that you can get, but, well, that's...rare. I'll need to take out a loan to buy enough cards until I get a full badge set, but who cares! So pretty!
Card hunters, please be warned! The developer has set the card drops to take a LONG TIME. As you know, Steam already bumped drop times to at least two hours to combat people abusing the refund policy. Starchaser currently drops EACH card at roughly two hours a cycle. If you're playing the game in it's entirety, no worries: you'll definitely get all your drops before you finish. But if you're just trying to beef up your inventory now (and play the game more later) you're looking at about eight hours. It could take a while!
But enough about that, did you see that artwork? Get out there and get your Steam Starchaser on! And don't forget: you get the DRM-free version along with a Steam key when you buy through Playism!


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