The exciting sequel to Magic Potion Explorer, Magic Potion Destroyer has been released on Playism and Steam!
Magic Potion Destroyer follows the story of Claudia, who has found herself trapped in a man-eating witch’s basement. Set after the events of Magic Potion Explorer, Claudia is now faced with a situation where she has to remember the magic she had once learnt.
This is a strategic escape game which uses features such as “Mana Reinforcement” and “Magic Potions” to power Claudia up as she makes her way through the 30 stages of the witch’s mansion to escape to freedom.
There are five possible endings to the game, each of which requires specific conditions to be filled.
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After being locked in a witch’s mansion for three years, she’s finally ready to make her escape ― by force.
Now she must return to her village and save her brother.
Her name is Claudia.
In order to save her brother from a deadly poison, she is left with no choice but to succumb to the teachings of the most powerful witch of all.
Meet Claudia in our previous blog post.
Magic Potion Destroyer is out now on Playism and Steam, and 10% off during it's launch sale!
To celebrate the release, Magic Potion Explorer is also on sale for 50% off on Playism and Steam!